
Şarkı sözleri : Peeved. Other. Expelliarmus Kid.

?Now somewhere up round about the Black Mountain hills of Dakota there lived a man, a real bad son of a gun, and he went by the name of Malfoy.?

Malfoy was the Dark Lord of the town,
His hawthorn pistol shot the sheriff down,
The townsfolk were his playing like a Quaffle,
He even dared to not pay at the brothel,

But some declared that a day would come,
When Malfoy would have to turn and run
When this rival would turn up? No-one could say,
But now he?s here, the time and come and it?s today.

Expelliarmus Kid! He?s the fastest in the west!
Expelliarmus Kid! So much better than the rest!
Expelliarmus Kid! Skipped his Apparition test!
Expelliarmus Kid!

He rides this blazing saddle across the plains,
Its lightning fast and Firebolt is her name,
Eveready to foil a stick-up or train robbery,
Ever-aided by his side-kick ?Three-Socks? Dobby!

Expelliarmus Kid! Whether near or far!
Expelliarmus Kid! And he?s got a way-cool scar!
Expelliarmus Kid! Just don?t let him fly your car!
Expelliarmus Kid!

He moseyed into town at high noon,
As Malfoy stepped out of the saloon
The on-lookers all ran and hid in fear,
As the Kid?s voice rang out loud and clear:

?So, you gonna pull your wand or whilst pixy??
Malfoy sneered: ?Come on, Potter, try ?n hex me!?
?You can walk away, Draco, don?t be a fool.?
But in that instant Darco?s hand twitched, and they began to duel.

Stupefy, Expelliarmus,
Crucio, Expelliarmus,
Protego, Expelliarmus,
Avada Kedavra, Expelliarmus!

[Harp solo]
(everyone have a little dance!)

The wand left Malfoy?s hand and flew up high,
And spinning wildly, arced across the sky,
As it hit the ground the battle had been won,
So Draco took his only option and turned to run.

Expelliarmus Kid! He?s the fastest in the west!
Expelliarmus Kid! So much better than the rest!
Expelliarmus Kid! A Horntail tattooed on his chest!
Expelliarmus Kid!

Expelliarmus Kid! Through the highs and the lows!
Expelliarmus Kid! Defeating all his foes!
Expelliarmus Kid! With the only spell he knows!
Expelliarmus Kid!