The calendar year is an imperial narrative. The seven-day week is an imperial infliction. Circannual holidays are imperial flag-posts. Mechanical time
Let loose the clockwork dogs. Pathological believers, faithful servants. Reduced to servomechanisms with lock-step discipline and knee-jerk obedience
Time is the defacer. Time is the devourer. The grand mediator of effect and the prosthesis to which we depend. Time is the defacer. Time is the devourer
Mute protest of a new bastard form. Indentured to Mammon, further bondage is bore. Free market existence under free market terms. Secured at birth
Time politics are power politics. No denial, no exception. The fallacy of science and tech is its complete objection. All technologies are biased,
Hell-bent on standardization; on Cartesian deliverance. Time is the primary socializing tool. Indelibly imprinted and structurally biased. We are domesticated
No defence against the indefensible. The space between words and things is once again total. No defence against the indefensible. The space between words
Law-code and executive power - architect's plan and builder's craft. Gene action is the prime mover, the great absolver. Mining green gold to spill black
Time is money is time is regimentation, is standardization, is cyclical regularity. Never an absolute. The groundwork machinery; tool that consumes us
In the given process, sabotage is a necessary resolve - a determined line of defence. In the given context, obstruction is a necessary control - a vested
Sometimes years change nothing, and sometimes one day changes everything. And that day has come. When racial and economic dichotomy, are one in the fucking
Sound the alarm, get an ambulance, ready a statement: for reactive critics, for the OCI, for the rest of the back end. In these museums to living history