Die Zeit Rinnt dir durch die HA¤nde Die Zeit Sag mir was hast du getan Die Zeit Vergeht ohne Ende Die Zeit Sag mir was wird danach sein Soviel Zeit
Tercüme: Elis. Zaman.
Tercüme: Elis. Zamanın başlangıcından bu yana.
My heart's filled with loneliness and pain Lying in my lover's arms, I hear him breathe and I can feel The beating of his heart His hand caresses my
Sometime ago I was watching the leaves, lost in that world in that life beneath the blu skin, over my head And sometime ago I was fighting my pain,
Tercüme: Elis. Böyle uzun bir süre için.
: Sometime ago I was watching the leaves, lost in that world in that life beneath the blu skin, over my head And sometime ago I was fighting my pain