killing all my trust... Why do we have to bleed to prove we are alive? Why cannot waste my days in your smile? Why do we...why do we Why do we live after all
Vein pesukoneen vein lastenrattaat kahmin lapset, koiran, auton seka television ja aina kerron aikaan Pikku Kakkosen kun iltapalan kattaan kerron kuinka
Hoy te siento como la primera vez Y es lo mismo cada vez que vuelvo a ti Luz de luna que descubre tu perfil Nos da la noche para ser feliz Palpitando
ev'ryone Though the mountains divide And the oceans are wide It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all
"Sto chiedendomi se la notte mai resti sveglio pensando a noi se fai come me ad occhi aperti li a rivivere quei brividi che sembrano lontani ormai sto
Tercüme: Pedro Aznar. Bütün Zaman (Tüm Time After) sonra.
Tercüme: Chayanne. Tüm sonra.
Tercüme: Normal, Scooter. Sonuçta, bu bizim olan nedir.
: "Sto chiedendomi se la notte mai resti sveglio pensando a noi se fai come me ad occhi aperti li a rivivere quei brividi che sembrano lontani ormai
: Then all silence is removed from the last room with the cord ripped from the phone. She stays asleep. She remains asleep. Why won?t she wake? In the
: Time and time again, will his knowledge lead his aggression? You insist on bringing home a broken child, just like you. Is this failure what you?re
: Walls are painted as a brightness surrounding the tired and desperate eyes of that figure standing on the edge. Can it pull its weight when it takes
straight to the life. All too many simple mistakes disguising innocence. Tension builds in every nerve. I?m tired of falling short in understanding what it all
: Blooming into a fight for glory, we will rise above. We will rise above all else. The glory for us. But in the beginning we?ve dug this endless hole
: Que se quien eres, eres tarde de abril, que se queda sin fin si tu quieres, que se quien eres me alimento de ti, brisa fresca y jazmin patio luna y